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League of Legends Riven Guide

Updated on September 14, 2011

Best Riven Guide for League of Legends

This is a guide for Riven, the Exile for League of Legends. Riven is the newest League of Legends champion, being released just before Dominion. Learn how to kick ass with Riven in this guide with the best Riven runes, masteries, summoner spells, item builds, strategies and tips.

This guide written by JuiceItUp (Platinum 2000 rating player)

Riven Masteries

Riven Masteries:

Offensive 21/0/9 is best for Riven Masteries, but you can also go Defensive 0/21/9 to be a bit tankier. Utility is a weak spec with Riven as she doesn't need the mana regen (Riven's abilities have no cost) and CDR as much as she needs damage and durability.

Riven Runes

Riven Runes:

Reds: Armor Pen

Yellows: Armor or Scaling Health Per Level

Blues: Magic Resist

Quintessences: Armor Pen or Movement Speed or Attack Damage

Riven Abilities

Riven Abilities:

Passive - Runic Blade: Riven's abilities charge her blade, causing her to do bonus damage on her next autoattack. Riven can store up to 3 charges, but only expends one at a time.

Broken Wings: Riven steps forward and lashes out in a series of powerful sword slashes. This ability can be reactivated up to 3 times in a short period.

1st Use/2nd Use: Deals damage to a small area in front of her.

3rd Use: Jumps into the air and slams downward, causing a larger impact nova that deals damage and knocks nearby enemies back.

Ki Shout: Riven damages and stuns nearby enemies.

Valor: Riven dashes forward and gains a shield for a short duration.

Blade of the Exile (Ultimate): Riven's sword reforms, giving her a percentage multiplier on her total attack damage, extended range on her damaging abilities and basic attacks and the ability to use Wind Slash once.

Wind Slash: While Blade of the Exile is active, Riven can reactivate the ability to emit a large shockwave that deals damage to all units hit based on their missing life.

Riven Summoner Spells

Riven Summoner Spells:




Riven Guide for Item Builds

What items should I get with Riven?

Riven Burst Damage Assassin Spec:

Start with: Boots + 3 Health Pots or Doran's Shield

Brutalizer > Ghostblade


Mercury's Treads

Trinity Force

Infinity Edge

Banshee's Veil

Riven Tanky Damage Spec:

Start with: Boots + 3 Health Pots or Doran's Shield

Phage > Trinity Force

Boots > Mercury's Treads

Chain Armor > Atma's Impaler

Force of Nature


Sunfire Cape or Randuin's Omen or Warmog's

Riven Tips and Strategies

Riven scales very well with attack damage, so focus on attack damage items.

Trinity force is a very powerful item for Riven because of her low cooldowns. Also, the speed bonus combined with valor and Broken wings allows you to chase down almost any target champion. Also, Blade of the exile and Runic blade damage scales with Trinity force, giving massive damage burst on a single auto-attack proc.

Team fight strategies:

Use Valor and Broken wings to position yourself in the middle of the enemy team, then use ki shout to stun everyone. Try to get in range of the squishiest or easiest target for the 3rd Broken wings attack to knock them back into your team for a quick kill.

Is Riven Overpowered?

Is Riven OP? Cast your vote here!

Is Riven OP?

Riven Champion Spotlight

Check out Phreak's Riven Champion Spotlight for Riven, the Exile in League of Legends

Riven Art Spotlight

Check out the Riven Art Spotlight for League of Legends

Riven Lore

Riven Lore:


The weight Riven carries seems to hang in the air around her. The remnants of her Noxian armor are tarnished, they speak of her absence from duty. The broken sword she carries is, in itself, so massive that imagination falters to conceive of the blade’s original size.

The echo of battle lingers with her. It smolders in her eyes, tenses in her grip, and coils in her step. It never leaves her. She is there now still, in the midst of it, as she enters the marble doors.


Riven’s fingers played along the edges of her blade’s runic inscription – an idle habit, long deprived of meaning. Her thoughts went where they often went in darkness: to dark memories. She gritted her teeth. There was nothing quite so cutting as the recollection of a guilty mind.

She twitched, involuntarily, as the scene of her death unraveled before her.

A damp fog yawned across the valley floor sheepishly, as though reluctant to conceal the horrors of the day. The gagging stench would have betrayed its effort, had not the smell so thoroughly permeated the Ionian countryside. Death was now a permanent resident of the somber isle, and its purchase grew with every passing hour. After so many similar fields, Riven no longer took account of it.

Dusk was settling as the company marched on, the stamp of their boots thick and dull crossing the grimy stretch. Riven’s own boots were becoming stained a deep brown by the mud. She felt a pang of nausea as she realized it wasn’t rainwater that dampened the soil.

She forced the thought out of her head. There would be more fields, more fogs, more harrowing muck – she could process it all later. “Focus is essential,” her drill instructor used to bark. “A lot happens in the chaos of battle, but you can only accomplish one thing at a time.”

Now it was marching.

Fury Company had trudged for days to catch up with the rest of the 42nd Standard, and the dreary trail through the Zaunite Melters’ aftermath was... messy. War was all about casualties, but the rising number of civilian losses was staggering. The High Command had expected the peace-loving Ionians to roll over and surrender in the face of Noxus’ military juggernaut. Instead the resistance was fierce and unrelenting. For a society that preached pacifism, the Ionians didn’t hesitate to get their hands dirty.

Riven was impressed...

Read the rest on the League of Legends Riven website

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